Watch Bill of HMS Agamemnon
Watch Bill of HMS Agamemnon
Watch Bill of HMS Agamemnon
Watch Bill of HMS Agamemnon

Watch Bill of HMS Agamemnon

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[compiled by] H.L. G[C?]ully, N.C. , January 19th 1856

small landscape format hardback notebook [12x7cm] supplied by stationers, H.Penny. 32 pages.

good condition in the original leather binding, lightly rubbed. with the original brass clasp, but lacking the pencil that would have been included.

an original Royal Navy manuscript watch bill, listing the non commissioned officers and men serving on the 91-gun battleship 'Agamemnon' in January 1856.

arranged by their position in the ship's hierarchy, from Quarter Masters to 2nd Class Boys, and including their hammock number.

Also includes an incomplete Quarter Bill for the lower deck.