Protest lodged by Andrew Storm, Master of the brig 'Neptune' of Whitby, dated 22nd January 1830.
four-page hand-written draft document, with many corrections and redactions, detailing the events surrounding the beaching of the brig 'Neptune' near Grimsby in November 1829.
The 'Neptune' sailed from the Tyne bound for Maldon in Essex with a cargo of coal . Bad weather forced her to anchor south of the Humber.
Various anchors were let go, but chains broke, the brig was unmanageable, and to preserve the ship and her cargo, the final anchor cable was cut and the brig was run ashore.
When the weather moderated, some of the cargo was off-loaded onto lighters, the brig was dug out and taken into Grimsby for survey and temporary repair, after which she entered Grimsby dock, her cargo re-loaded, and she continued her voyage to Maldon
a 'Protest' was a written declaration, usually made by the master of ship, and attested by a Justice of the Peace, Consul, Notary Public, etc, stating the circumstances under which injury has happened to a ship or its cargo.
Although a legal document, these protests vividly illustrate the events leading to the loss or damage sustained by the vessels