[Steel, David] London, printed for P. Mason, at his Navigation Warehouse....., 1806 containing an alphabetical explanation of the terms, directions for the most minute operations and the method of progressive rigging: with full and correct tables of the dimensions and quantities of every part of the rigging of all ships and vessels. Particularly useful to Boatswains. the second edition, considerably enlarged and improved; with additional tables, expressly adapted for merchant-shipping
London, printed for P. Mason, at his Navigation Warehouse....., 1806
ppviii 238. 9 [of 11] engraved plates, all but one folding
the second separately published edition of 'The Art of Rigging', previously contained in the 1794 two volume work 'Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship'
lacks the frontispiece and the plate illustrating, schooner, lugger, cutter, etc. title-page ragged with professional repairs. slight marginal loss in places, not affecting the text. bound in fairly modern marbled paper boards with cloth spine and paper title-label.