The Dockyards, Shipyards, and Marine of France

The Dockyards, Shipyards, and Marine of France

Regular price £250.00
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Barry, P.

London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1864.

1st edition. ppxi 257. pages unopened.

nice bright condition hardback in the original binding.

a record of visits to the French naval dockyards of Cherbourg, Brest, Lorient, Rochefort, and Toulon, and the shipyards at Havre, Nantes, Bordeaux and La Seyne, together with an overall view of the work of the dockyards, shipyards, and the French Merchant Marine in the mid-19th century.

The author gained admission to all the establishments on the pretext of purely journalistic reasons, when in fact his objective was to establish what France's shipbuilding, naval and marine capabilities would be in the event of a European war.