The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman
The Compleat Gentleman

The Compleat Gentleman

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fashioning him absolut, in the most necessary and commendable qualities concerning minde or body, that may be required in a noble gentleman.  whereunto is annexed a description of the order of a Maine Battaile or Pitched Field, eight severall wayes: with the art of limming and other additions newly enlarged.  


The Gentlemans Exercise. or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts in their true portraitures: as also the making of all kinds of colours, to be used in limming, painting, tricking, and blazon of coates, and armes, with divers other most delightfull and pleasurable observations, for all young gentlemen and others.  as also, serving for the necessary use and generall benefit of divers trades-men, i[j]oyners, free-masons, cutters and carvers, etc. for the farther gracing, beautifying and garnishing of all their absolute and worthy pieces, either for borders, architects, columnes, etc.

by Henry Peacham

London, printed for Francis Constable [printed for I.M....], 1634.

small 4to. 2 volumes in 1. pp[xi] 255. [vii] 163. separate title-page for each part.

a little light staining and browning, and occasional marginal worming, but generally in good clean condition internally. leaf A2 pulling away from the binding, but still attached.  small circular library stamp to first title-page. heraldic book-plate to front paste-down, together with a 1946 Quaritch catalogue entry for the book (not this copy)

in a later full tan calf binding, worn to the spine. evidence of old glue repair to the joints, with some abrasion damage to the end-papers.  .

The Quaritch entry refers to an engraved title-page being not present in their copy, as with this one.